Energy for Life


RSNKP GmbH is a family of solar companies in Switzerland working to bring innovative solar solutions to businesses, governments and utilities.
With more than 12 years of international solar experience and more than 15 years of
European solar experience, RSNKP GmbH is at the forefront of leading solar companies.
But as a medium-sized, privately held group, RSNKP GmbH remains flexible to the
changing needs of customers and the rapidly growing solar market – while delivering
personalized attention.
In the RSNKP GmbH is currently focused on developing, financing and building
Photovoltaic Solar Energy projects in Mexico and Morocco for its government, corporate and utility clients.
In 2020 RSNKP GmbH plans to install 5-10 MW of solar projects, including projects for a
Fortune 500 company and one of the country’s largest utilities. In 2021 RSNKP GmbH will install up to 60 MW of solar projects.

Please contact Mr. Tirdad Hofmann for more information under +41 449150046.